The Remarkable Reign Of Young Pharaohs In Ancient Egypt

  • Jurus6
  • greener

At what age did the pharaohs of ancient Egypt ascend to the throne? The answer is often surprisingly young.

The term "young pharaoh" refers to a pharaoh who ascended to the throne before reaching the age of 18. There are many examples of young pharaohs throughout Egyptian history, including Tutankhamun, who became pharaoh at the age of 9, and Cleopatra VII, who became co-ruler with her brother at the age of 17.

There are several reasons why young pharaohs were common in ancient Egypt. First, the average life expectancy was much shorter in ancient times than it is today, so it was not uncommon for pharaohs to die before their children reached adulthood. Second, the pharaoh was seen as a divine figure, and it was believed that the younger the pharaoh, the closer he was to the gods. Finally, a young pharaoh was more easily influenced by his advisors, which could be advantageous for those who sought to control the throne.

The reign of a young pharaoh was often a time of instability and upheaval. However, some young pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII, were able to rule successfully and leave a lasting legacy.

Young Pharaoh Age

The term "young pharaoh" refers to a pharaoh who ascended to the throne before reaching the age of 18. There are many examples of young pharaohs throughout Egyptian history, including Tutankhamun, who became pharaoh at the age of 9, and Cleopatra VII, who became co-ruler with her brother at the age of 17.

  • Short life expectancy: The average life expectancy in ancient Egypt was much shorter than it is today, so it was not uncommon for pharaohs to die before their children reached adulthood.
  • Divine figure: The pharaoh was seen as a divine figure, and it was believed that the younger the pharaoh, the closer he was to the gods.
  • Easily influenced: A young pharaoh was more easily influenced by his advisors, which could be advantageous for those who sought to control the throne.
  • Instability and upheaval: The reign of a young pharaoh was often a time of instability and upheaval.
  • Successful reigns: However, some young pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII, were able to rule successfully and leave a lasting legacy.
  • Examples: Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the age of 9 and ruled for 9 years. Cleopatra VII became co-ruler with her brother at the age of 17 and ruled for 21 years.

The age of a pharaoh at the time of his accession had a significant impact on his reign. Young pharaohs were more likely to be influenced by their advisors and to experience instability and upheaval during their reigns. However, some young pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII, were able to overcome these challenges and rule successfully.

Personal Details and Bio Data of Cleopatra

Name : Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator
Title : Queen of Egypt
Born : 69 BC
Died : 30 BC
Father : Ptolemy XII Auletes
Mother : Cleopatra V Tryphaena
Spouse : Julius Caesar, Mark Antony
Children : Caesarion, Cleopatra Selene II, Alexander Helios, Ptolemy Philadelphus

Short life expectancy

The short life expectancy in ancient Egypt had a significant impact on the age of the pharaohs. Because pharaohs often died before their children reached adulthood, it was not uncommon for young children to ascend to the throne. This could lead to instability and upheaval, as young pharaohs were more easily influenced by their advisors and less experienced in the art of ruling.

  • High infant mortality rate: The infant mortality rate in ancient Egypt was very high, and many children died before reaching the age of 5. This meant that many pharaohs lost their children before they had a chance to reach adulthood.
  • Short life expectancy for adults: The life expectancy for adults in ancient Egypt was also relatively short, with most people dying before the age of 40. This meant that many pharaohs died before their children were old enough to succeed them.
  • Few pharaohs died of old age: Very few pharaohs died of old age. Most pharaohs died from diseases, accidents, or in battle.

The short life expectancy in ancient Egypt had a significant impact on the history of Egypt. It led to the rise of many young pharaohs, who often ruled during times of instability and upheaval. However, it also led to the rise of some of Egypt's most famous and successful pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII.

Divine figure

In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was not just a political leader but also a religious figure. He was seen as the embodiment of the god Horus on earth, and it was believed that he had a divine right to rule. As a result, the pharaoh was expected to be pure and uncorrupted, and it was believed that the younger he was, the closer he was to the gods.

  • Legitimacy: A young pharaoh was seen as more legitimate than an older pharaoh because he was closer to the gods. This gave him a stronger claim to the throne and made it more difficult for his rivals to challenge his authority.
  • Purity: A young pharaoh was seen as more pure and uncorrupted than an older pharaoh. This was because he had not yet been exposed to the evils of the world. As a result, he was believed to be a better representative of the gods.
  • Symbol of hope: A young pharaoh was seen as a symbol of hope for the future. He represented the new generation and the promise of a better tomorrow. This made him popular with the people and gave him a strong base of support.
  • Stability: A young pharaoh was seen as a guarantee of stability. He was expected to rule for many years, and this gave the people a sense of security and confidence in the future.

The belief that the younger the pharaoh, the closer he was to the gods, had a significant impact on the age of the pharaohs. Many pharaohs ascended to the throne at a very young age, and some even ruled as children. This practice continued until the end of the pharaonic period.

Easily influenced

The young age of many pharaohs made them more susceptible to the influence of their advisors. This could be advantageous for those who sought to control the throne, as they could use their influence to guide the pharaoh's decisions in a way that benefited them.

There are many examples of advisors who used their influence over young pharaohs to gain power and control. One example is the vizier Ay, who served as advisor to Tutankhamun. Ay was able to use his influence to marry Tutankhamun's widow and eventually become pharaoh himself.

The influence of advisors on young pharaohs could also have a negative impact on the kingdom. For example, the advisors of the young pharaoh Ptolemy IV Philopator were able to convince him to declare war on the Seleucid Empire. This war was a disaster for Egypt, and it led to the loss of many lives and territories.

The influence of advisors on young pharaohs was a major factor in the history of ancient Egypt. It is important to understand this influence in order to gain a full understanding of the period.

Instability and upheaval

The young age of many pharaohs meant that they were often inexperienced and vulnerable to the influence of others. This could lead to instability and upheaval, as young pharaohs were more likely to make rash decisions or be manipulated by those who sought to control them.

There are many examples of instability and upheaval during the reigns of young pharaohs. One example is the reign of Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the age of 9, and his reign was marked by instability and upheaval. His advisors were able to use their influence to gain power and control, and the kingdom was plagued by corruption and mismanagement.

Another example is the reign of Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII became co-ruler with her brother at the age of 17. Her reign was marked by civil war and political intrigue. Cleopatra VII was able to use her intelligence and charisma to maintain her power, but her reign was ultimately cut short by her defeat at the Battle of Actium.

The instability and upheaval that often occurred during the reigns of young pharaohs was a major factor in the history of ancient Egypt. It is important to understand this instability and upheaval in order to gain a full understanding of the period.

Successful reigns

Despite the challenges, some young pharaohs were able to rule successfully and leave a lasting legacy. Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII are two of the most famous examples.

Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the age of 9. His reign was short-lived, but he is remembered for his beautiful tomb, which was discovered in 1922. Cleopatra VII became co-ruler with her brother at the age of 17. She was a skilled diplomat and politician, and she ruled Egypt for over 20 years.

These two pharaohs were able to overcome the challenges of their young age and rule successfully. They were both intelligent and charismatic, and they were able to gain the support of their people. They also had the good fortune to have wise advisors who helped them to make good decisions.

The success of these young pharaohs shows that it is possible to overcome the challenges of a young age and rule successfully. It also shows that the age of a pharaoh is not always a good indicator of his or her ability to rule.


The examples of Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII illustrate the phenomenon of young pharaohs in ancient Egypt. These rulers ascended to the throne at a tender age, which significantly influenced their reigns and left a lasting impact on Egyptian history.

  • Short Reigns: Young pharaohs often had shorter reigns compared to their older counterparts. Tutankhamun's reign lasted only 9 years, while Cleopatra VII's reign spanned 21 years, which was relatively long for a young pharaoh.
  • Influence of Advisors: Due to their inexperience and youth, young pharaohs relied heavily on advisors and regents. In Tutankhamun's case, the vizier Ay played a significant role in guiding his reign. Cleopatra VII skillfully utilized her advisors to consolidate her power and maintain stability.
  • Challenges and Instability: The early years of a young pharaoh's reign were often marked by challenges and instability. Tutankhamun faced internal power struggles and religious reforms, while Cleopatra VII encountered civil wars and political conflicts.
  • Achievements and Legacy: Despite the challenges, some young pharaohs, like Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII, left notable legacies. Tutankhamun's tomb, discovered intact in the Valley of the Kings, provides valuable insights into ancient Egyptian funerary practices. Cleopatra VII's reign is remembered for her diplomatic skills, patronage of the arts, and her role in shaping Egypt's relationship with Rome.

The examples of Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII highlight the complexities and significance of young pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Their reigns were shaped by their youth, influenced by advisors, and marked by both challenges and achievements, ultimately contributing to the rich tapestry of Egyptian history.

FAQs about Young Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt

This section provides concise answers to frequently asked questions about young pharaohs in ancient Egypt, shedding light on their unique circumstances and impact on history.

Question 1: At what age were pharaohs considered young?

Pharaohs who ascended to the throne before reaching the age of 18 were generally regarded as young.

Question 2: Why were there so many young pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

Several factors contributed to the prevalence of young pharaohs, including the high infant mortality rate, short life expectancy, and the belief that younger pharaohs were closer to the gods.

Question 3: Did young pharaohs face any particular challenges or advantages during their reigns?

Young pharaohs often faced challenges due to their inexperience and susceptibility to the influence of advisors. However, they also benefited from being seen as symbols of hope and stability, which could provide them with popular support.

Question 4: What are some examples of young pharaohs who had a significant impact on Egyptian history?

Notable examples include Tutankhamun, who ascended to the throne at the age of 9 and is known for his opulent tomb, and Cleopatra VII, who became co-ruler at the age of 17 and is renowned for her political acumen and diplomatic skills.

Question 5: How did the reigns of young pharaohs differ from those of older pharaohs?

The reigns of young pharaohs were often marked by greater instability and reliance on advisors. They were also more likely to face challenges to their authority due to their perceived vulnerability.

Question 6: What can we learn from studying the phenomenon of young pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

The study of young pharaohs provides valuable insights into the complexities of ancient Egyptian society, the role of youth and authority, and the impact of individual rulers on the course of history.

Summary: Young pharaohs were a common feature of ancient Egyptian history, facing unique challenges and opportunities during their reigns. Their stories shed light on the complexities of power, the influence of tradition, and the enduring legacy of ancient Egypt's rulers.

Transition: To delve deeper into the fascinating world of ancient Egypt, let's explore the topic of royal tombs and their significance in understanding the beliefs and practices of this ancient civilization.


The exploration of "young pharaoh age" in ancient Egypt has revealed the complexities and significance of this phenomenon. Young pharaohs, ascending to the throne before reaching adulthood, faced unique challenges and opportunities that shaped their reigns and left a lasting impact on Egyptian history.

The prevalence of young pharaohs was influenced by factors such as high infant mortality, short life expectancy, and the belief that younger pharaohs were closer to the gods. These young rulers often relied on advisors and faced challenges due to their inexperience. However, they also benefited from being seen as symbols of hope and stability, which provided them with popular support.

Studying young pharaohs provides valuable insights into the nature of power and authority in ancient Egypt. It highlights the influence of tradition, the importance of advisors, and the impact of individual rulers on the course of history. The legacies of young pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra VII, continue to fascinate and inspire, reminding us of the enduring power of ancient Egypt's rulers.

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